Friday, March 27, 2020

EP Review: Candlemass - The Pendulum

I want to try something a bit different today. When is a review not a review? In this case, when talking about the new Candlemass EP, I'm not really going to talk much about the music contained herein. I have other issues this brings to mind, and I find them much more interesting than commenting on yet another Candlemass release.

For starters, I seem to be the only person tangentially related to the metal world who is still angry at the band for soldiering on after they promised us they were done. "Psalms For The Dead" was promoted as their final album, and it pains me to see how many people have absolutely no problem with the band going back on their word. Candlemass is not the only band to do that, but no one ever seems to be held accountable for their words and actions anymore. I don't like being lied to, and that's exactly what Candlemass did. You don't make such a life-altering announcement without thinking it through, and you certainly don't come back without some kind of substantial mea culpa, but Candlemass has never had to do that. We have let them get away with lying to us, and going back on their lie. In fact, they might be more loved now than before they sullied their reputation.

The other issue with this release is what it is. These songs are from the cutting room floor, the scraps that didn't make it into last year's well-heralded (not by me) album. That's the problem. Candlemass is now trying to push out this EP, and promote it as something we have to listen to, while also telling us these songs weren't good enough to be on their last record. If they weren't as good as a record that didn't impress me all that much, why would I want to listen to them? Saying you considered these tracks second-rate isn't a strong selling point, even to people who did like what the record had to offer.

Plus, half the tracks here are worthless, minute-and-a-half interludes. Interludes wasting time... on an EP. Ugh.

Furthermore, I don't understand why the band would feel the need to say any of this. While I don't like being lied to, we also don't need to be made aware of every dirty detail. The band could have simply told us these were new songs, or songs they had never finished until now. Something, anything that would indicate to us they believed in these tracks as more than a stopgap. But that's not what they did. They instead chose to take the route of honesty here, and not with their very existence, which is a confusing existential mess. I'm not sure what to make of their selective honesty.

And then there's the matter of "Porcelain Skull", the one song that wouldn't fit into that last paragraph's suggestion. This song appeared on Avatarium's wonderful album last year, and is now being given to us (presumably) more as Leif Edling envisioned it. I consider this a problem as well. Firstly, if Leif thought the song was good enough, he shouldn't have given it to Avatarium. Releasing it himself, and as a single no less, seems like he's trying to one-up a band that no longer needs him. It feels petty. Secondly, his version isn't anywhere near as good. Candlemass' version is rough around the edges, unrefined, and lacking the soulful, sultry emotion Jennie-Ann Smith can bring. If anything, putting the song out on this EP only shows that Leif needs help to get the most out of his songs, which can't possibly be what he intended.

So yes, "The Pendulum" is an interesting release by Candlemass. Just not for any of the reasons they might want.

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